Dolphins in the Flensburg Fjord (march 2016)

Instead of a presentation (we need a little bit more time) we offer you here a video which shows two dolphins in the fjord of Flensburg. By watching it you can see how the sea looks like around Flensburg. If you like it, check some more videos, the dolphins were also several times in the harbour.





1 Kommentar
  1. Anna Weinmann 9 Jahren alt

    Amazing! How long did they stay in the Flensburg Fjord? Hopefully they are not affected by plastic pollution! We are looking forward to you school presentation and the results of your sampling to get an impression of the plastic problem on the beaches of the Flensburg Fjord. !Mucho éxito!

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IPN | Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik | Olshausenstraße 62 | D-24118 Kiel


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